成都龙泉四川师大龙城实验幼儿园国际园:The Tree Planting Day 植树节


The Tree Planting Day 植树节


我希望大家能够善待我, 保护我


我希望我每天都在努力长大, 就像你们一样每天进步一点点


我希望等我长大了, 年轮一圈圈, 长大后的你们还能记得回来看看我

在IB的六大超学科主题中, 我们有一个主题叫“共享地球”,我们需要和孩子们一起探究在与他人以及其他生物分享有限资源时的权利和责任。

在IB的十大学习者目标中, 我们有一项叫做“富有爱心的人“ 我们要和孩子一起帮助他人, 都是友好而善良的。

作为我们的学习者社区中的一部分,我们非常感恩K1班的家长(Aimee的妈妈)帮助我们为植树节捐赠了一批紫薇花树苗到幼儿园。周一的时候, 一位可爱的大伯伯为我们送来了树苗。K1,K2,K3 班的孩子们也非常感恩和友好, 为伯伯送上了自己制作的卡片来感谢他的善意。此外他还把如何种植树苗的经验告诉了Tony。  

As part of our learning community we were very grateful that a parent from K1 (Aimee’s mum) was able to help us donate trees for Chinese Tree Planting Day. On Monday a friendly man came to our kindergarten to deliver the trees and our caring children from K1, K2 and K3 made a card for him to thank him. In addition, he gave his expertise on trees to our K2 teacher Tony.


周二有一些班级家长也来到学校参与帮助孩子们种树啦。首先Tony 给大家传达了种植知识。 之后孩子们开心的和爸爸妈妈领取树苗, 三个人一组开始了挖土, 植苗,浇水等等一系列过程。 孩子们学习打了帮助环境的概念, 通过参与进行集体合作。

On Tuesday some parents came to the school to help the children plant the trees. At first Tony gave an introduction into the knowledge that was passed to him by the friendly man. Then after this he taught the children the process of planting the trees and the children went in their groups with the parents to plant the trees. Our students learnt the concept of helping the environment and took collective action through participation.

期待未来, 因你们, 为地球添一抹绿!


上一条:我们都是故事里的“某某某” 文学日活动· Literacy Day 下一条:元迪幼儿园-阳春三月,用爱行动!