SNU-K K2班级主题探究之旅:班级野餐的正确打开方式是酱紫的<(0^◇^0)>



    We live in a community and it is our most familiar enviroment. We are developing the understanding of how a community is organizied. Understanding this gives the children life experiance and they develope life skills. People play distinct roles in the communities to which they belong.


   We have disscused and learnt many things about the supermarket, including the supermarket's function, how to buy things and how to use money to do this. Then we went on a field trip to the supermarket and practiced what we had learnt in class in order to buy groceries for a picnic.


   We divided our kids into five groups and each group had one leader. The leaders of these groups were responsible for looking after their team members and their money. After this we create lists of what we wanted to buy from the supermarket.


We reviewed the vocabulary and sentences about supermarkets with Alex.


Then we went to the MOMO Supermarket.


   We tried to stick to our shopping lists and only spend money within our budget. If the children chose too many items they had to return them back to the shelves.


After we finished at the supermarket, we went back to our classroom and recorded what we bought,how much we spent and our observation of how a supermarket functions.


Then we classified the groceries into catergories of healthy and unhealthy.We choose the healthier foods to eat during our picnic (fruits,breads and vegetables).


The next day we took the healthier foods on our picnic and enjoyed eating them on a picnic blanket, outside in the fresh air. We also shared with others from the community.We shared our food and our happiness.


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